Development Update: 3/31/2016

Please Note: These are retroactive posts to show history and progress.
Progress 3/31/2016:
Environmental Tweaks tonight
– Tweaked Atmosphere Fresnel to match that more of Google Earth 3D
So for fun, I took a quick screen grab of Google Earth and lined it up with what I had in game for comparison.
– Tweaked Ground to receive more ambient light for night (looks cooler IMO)
– Tweaked Nighttime light to be a bit more yellow and glow more
– Tweaked Star Map to expose more of the Milkyway
– Setup proper Cubemap for “Skylight” to give some global ambient light
– Added a new Marketing Camera shot “Earth_Sun”
– Some misc folder organization in level
Notes: Wow! Looking much Better!
Bugs: Noticed the Poles of Earth (North and South Pole) are having UV pinching and causing issues with the lighting. Looks very ugly. Will need to look at fixing this later on.