Development Update: 5/10-11/2016

Please Note: These are retroactive posts to show history and progress.
Progress Update 5/10/2016:
– Earth Gravity Basic
– Roll now has proper momentum
– Fixed bug with Forward speed not being set to 0 on collision
– Added Basic Drift on Ctrl
TODO: Need to setup a new flight model that is momentum and directional. Want to set that up with Drift Flight to allow players to angle their thrust to allow for circular flights around targets
Done. See below
Progress Update 5/11/2016:
– Added Advanced Drift Flight (allows for drifting in Zero-G)
– Refactored a bit of the flight mechanics with World Vector momentum on Locked and Drift flight
– Setup 6 degrees thrust inputs for both Locked and Drift Flight
Video Here:
NOTES: This is pretty huge! This allows for alot more engaging of flight and attacks on Asteroids and anything else.
TODO: Setup inputs for Controller
I setup alot of basic controls for this now on the controller, but they don’t seem to be translating into Cooked Builds properly. Will investigate further
TODO: Next I wanna work on the Alien Spores to have something that shoots back at you or crashes into you to give more gamey feel
Done. See later videos