Not Dead Yet – COVID-19 Lockdown
Greetings Wardens
In this update we talk about how the COVID-19 Lockdowns and current events have impacted development. We may be down, but we aren’t out! We talk about how we’re taking this situation very seriously and how you should too.
COVID-19 Lockdown
Contrary to popular belief, we have not died off. Neither COVID-19 nor the governmental lockdowns will stop us from completing our mission!
However, we must make a tactical retreat for the time being as we prepare for the worst since we definitely believe with the world in such turmoil, we must safe guard our families for what is still yet to come. The development team has had to make some pretty big sacrifices as of late in order to make ends meet. We do not believe this is the end of the lockdowns as there is a high likelihood of there being a second wave of the virus (even if Johnathan Marcus believes the infection/death numbers to be inflated) and a second round of lockdowns along with more civil unrest.
We understand that the comfort provided by an escape via a video game is highly sought after these days, but as we’ve seen with the numerous governmental lockdowns (and arguably overreaches), we take this massive global event seriously and feel it is important to take necessary steps to make preparations for what ever is to come in these next months (especially with the upcoming U.S. election). With that said, we will be putting development of Solar Warden on hold but plan to resume development in the new year. Barring death or critical injury, we plan to return and provide an update in February of 2021.
Again, we don’t take writing this message lightly. But since the massive strain this has put on us personally, we are left with little choice. Make no mistake, the reality of the situation we are in will get worse and it’s possible that Johnathan Marcus will touch base on his thoughts on the matter. But regardless of what you think of this global lockdown, we encourage everyone to secure your means of necessary food, shelter and even explore different currency exchanges to hedge against what is likely going to be food shortages and hyper inflation.
Prepare yourselves and stay safe out there!
Johnathan Marcus’ Take On This
I’m not going start a big thing here about what I think since it might tick off a bunch of people and I don’t want to do that unnecessarily in this update for a video game. However, I can tell you that there is more at play here and it seems like more and more people are becoming aware of it. I can also tell you that my family has had first hand issues with this so called “pandemic” and the “peaceful protesters” and I will tell you that I am locked and loaded and will rain ungodly hell fire upon anyone trying to either force me from my home or attempting to force a needle into my arm. I have much to say on this topic, but perhaps this isn’t the correct venue to speak on these things. However, if there is enough of an outcry to have me speak about QAnon, the “Plandemic”, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Event 201, the new government blockchain digital currencies, the Riots and more, let us know and we will arrange to have a different website created so we can post about all these things there.
In the mean time – Get your food, get your ammo and safe guard your loved ones!